COVID 19 Protocols
Before Games
- Players may arrive 10 minutes prior to their scheduled game time and are asked to warm up in their end zone or sidelines when possible.
- Anyone who has any COVID 19 symptoms, awaiting test results or have been asked to quarantine are not allowed to participate or be the field.
- If a member tests positive for COVID 19, they are to notify OWF as soon as possible to ensure proper follow up to members. Personal information will remain anonymous.
- For all players & spectators attending indoor league and tournament events must be fully vaccinated and provide proof of vaccinations with government issued photo ID at the entrance to the facility before your first game/visit.
During Games
- Teams benches are on opposite sides of the field.
- No sharing of personal water bottles or mouth guards.
- No spitting on the field.
- No high-fives.
After Games
- No handshakes after the games. Teams are to congratulate each other from a safe distance.